WebChrysodeixis includens is a polyphagous pest restricted to the American continent. The occurrence of C. includens is allied, among other factors, by favorable conditions …WebChrysodeixis includens, the soybean looper, is a rare fall migrant to the Pacific Northwest. It is a medium-size moth (FW length 15–17 mm) with a mottled gray and warm brown forewing with patchy golden sheen marked by silver lines and stigma. The forewing is pointed with a concave posterior margin that ends in a slight flange at the anal angle.
80.ヤガ科(Noctuidae) キンウワバ亜科(Plusiinae) Chrysodeixis 一覧
http://pnwmoths.biol.wwu.edu/browse/family-noctuidae/subfamily-plusiinae/tribe-argyrogrammatini/chrysodeixis/chrysodeixis-includens/WebChrysodeixis includens feeds on many other agronomic, vegetable, and floricultural crops. Larvae (caterpillars) are known to consume large amounts of foliage and occasion-ally feed on pods and fruits, while adults (moths) feed solely on flower nectar. Distribution Chrysodeixis includens is an abundant caterpillar feedingflogging photos
Lagarta Falsa Medideira da Soja Agro Bayer
Chrysodeixis includens, the soybean looper, is a moth of the family Noctuidae. It is known as falso medidor in north-eastern Mexico. It is found from southern Quebec and southern Ontario through the eastern and southern part of the United States to Central America and South America, the Antilles and the Galápagos Islands. It is known to be migratory. The species was first described by Francis …WebDec 6, 2024 · Chysodeixis includens (Walker) is a polyphagous economic pest in agricultural landscapes. To detect the occurrence of this pest in the field, trapping using sex pheromone lures is often implemented. However, other plusiine species are cross-attracted to these lures and may be misidentified as C. includens due to their morphological …WebEstratégias de Manejo. 1. Rotação de culturas. O monocultivo de soja, ou mesmo áreas que são rotacionadas com culturas hospedeiras como algodão e feijão, podem contribuir para o aumento dos ataques das falsas-medideiras. A rotação com culturas não hospedeiras é indicado para quebrar o ciclo da praga e reduzir os níveis populacionais.great learning download for laptop